An industry
focused on healthcare technology

Augmedix Platform

The medical scribing industry is an established and well respected part of the American healthcare system. Medical scribes are personal assistants to physicians and help them to deliver high quality patient care. This industry has grown rapidly over the past few years and is projected to continue to do so moving forward.

With Augmedix, medical documentation can happen anywhere in the world. Our Clinical AI Specialists are at the center of our AI-powered technology. Here are some unique elements of this process.


Clinic visit is captured from natural clinician-patient conversations


Clinical AI Specialists utilize cloud tools for quality and speed, but remain at the center of the process and the final review


Final note is submitted to clinician's EHR for sign-off

The evolution of medical documentation

Medical transcription grew rapidly in the 1990s but has matured as an industry. Machines running natural language processing have dramatically changed the role of the transcriptionist.

As more and more doctors are required to maintain high quality notes in an electronic health record, the demand for medical scribes will continue to increase, quickly replacing medical transcription as the standard documentation solution. A scribe thinks and writes like a doctor, and in this way scribing goes beyond transcription. Scribes partner with doctors in real-time communication and are inherently creative, using audio as well as video inputs to produce full medical documents. All of this is enabled by Augmedix.

Growth of Augmedix

Augmedix was founded in 2012 and has been accelerating ever since. We continue to grow our teams and build new service offerings and the technology that facilitates them. To date, we have raised over 40 million dollars to realize this vision. We have been named the #1 most innovative company in healthcare by Fast Company and are poised to grow even more in the coming years.

Ever since our first doctor went live in 2014, we have been steadily growing our service. To date, we have been doubling the number of doctors we serve every year and plan on continuing and accelerating that trend.

Augmedix Global Operation

Augmedix started operations in Bangladesh and the US to make this process a reality. We developed training and processes to help our employees learn and grow.

Our Customers

Augmedix is used by independent providers and more than a dozen major health systems including:

We're Hiring!

Clinical AI Specialists work with our technology and are an integral part of Augmedix.

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